Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hot Chia Seeds Cocoa with Rice Milk

Here comes the slop~
I'm getting plunched into a sea of work again, ever since work place finalized my bachelor thesis...

But nevertheless I can't stop eating cooking, so I have this healthy hot cocao to share :)

You need for 1 serving:
1 cup of rice milk
1 table spoon of coconut oil
1 (big) table spoon of cocoa powder (or as much as you want)
1 dash of cinnamon
1-2 table spoon of chia seeds

  1. Heat up the milk with all your dry ingredients except the chias seeds.
  2. Stir the mixture with a wisk until combined.
  3. Fill it in your mug/cup
  4. Stir in the chia seeds and let it set for some minutes

Enjoy your thick hot cocoa :)

I took it to work in a jar. It's the perfect inbetween snack :)